Roweena 11 of Dundonald and Milngavie-registered and a 9-year-old unregistered
three nice Highland brood cows with calves by their side
- Sold Final Price: $13,000.00
- 0 Bid(s) View Bid History
- Registration # 58045 amd 53898
- Color See Registration Images
- Name of Animal Roweena 11 of Dundonald plus two others
- Item # 707356
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- Note: Bids/Purchases cannot be accepted from buyers in these states: AK, AS, FM, GU, HI, IL, MH, ND, MP, PW, PR, VI, WA, WY, AE, AA, AE, AE, AE, AP
These three fine Highland brood cows all belonged to the late Mike Green of Mayfield, Michigan. They all have nice bull calves sired by Merlon`s Midnight Magic #61955. An exceptional young black bull and an AI progeny of the great LEA Raliegh 31862+. With Mike`s unexpected death, his Highland Fold is being cared for by Dundonald Highlands, Three Rivers, Michigan 49093, until they can be sold to new owners. They are all fine Highlands with good disposition. One of them actually originated at Dundonald Highlands. This is a good opportunity for interested Highland breeders to acquire some nice Highland Brood cows with healthy calves by their side. For additional information, contact Rick Milliman by text at 269 779 7817 or Eddie Mackay-269 858 6436, or by e-mail at